Clocks forward this weekend

Important Changes

March 20, 2018 Published by

Don’t forget to put your clocks forward by one hour at 1am this Sunday, especially if you are hoping to join our Sunday morning run – you wouldn’t want to be an hour late for the start.

There are some other important changes that result from the clocks changing and these take effect week commencing 26th March:


Thanks to the extra daylight, our Monday night runs will now follow our summer routes. You can read about these routes on the Monday night routes page.


Tuesday night runs will also change to their summer routes which make more use of Attenborough nature reserve. There are more details about the Chilwell summer routes here.


Wednesday routes remain unchanged, although we will be adding the option of running at Gedling Country Park in a few weeks. We will let you know when that is happening.


Thursday nights not only have different summer routes but also a different meeting place. We use Woodthorpe Park while we have the lighter nights. There is a car park that you can use but it is worth mentioning that the car park closes at 7:30 for the first few weeks.

You can check the Thursday night routes for more information.

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